F9 and A9 configure authmatic bridging

This document Applies Users Who Use Bridging Mode With F9 And A9
Applicable ModelTenda F9      Question CategoryAPP Management
Tenda A9 and F9 automatic bridging need below conditions:
Scene One: F9 has been configured (whether it can access internet or not)
1. The distance between A9 and F9 within 1 meter.
2. A9 never bridge other signal before.
Scene Two: F9 restore the factory settings
1. The distance between A9 and F9 within 1 meter.
2. F9 need to configure settings on webpage, skip setup wizard.
3. A9 never bridge other signal before.
Scene One: F9 has been configured
1. Put A9 within 1 meter from F9, Power on them and without any operation. Wait a moment, A9 bridge led will be green, it means bridging successful.
2. If A9 have bridged other signal, please reset it and try again.
说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\1111.jpg
Scene Two: F9 factory status
说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\11.png
PC or laptop connect to wireless router by cable:
Wired Connection:
说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\FAQ\截图05.png
Wireless Connection:

说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\截图00.png

说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\22.png
1. Open browser, input “tendawifi.com” or “”in address bar and then you will login the management webpage of router. (default login username and password are both “admin”);
2. If there is exist Internet available, please configure internet settings (you can check how to use PPPOE mode to access internet document); If there is not exist Internet, please configure wireless parameter on homepage, and click “OK”;
3. Put A9 within 1 meter from F9, Power on them and without any operation. Wait a moment, A9 bridge led will be green, it means bridging successful. (If A9 bridge other signal before, please reset it first)
说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\1111.jpg

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