How to set virtual server for Dual-band Gigabit Router

截图00.pngHow to set virtual server for Dual-band Gigabit Router

Product line: wireless    question category: function config

Q: why we want to configure virtual server

APort Range Forwarding allows remote computers, for example, computers on the Internet, to access some kinds of public services such as web servers, ftp, IP Camera and other specialized Internet applications on your local networkLAN.


As the following picture, I want to do port range forwarding for my FTP Server so that other people on the Internet can access my FTP Server.


The steps are as below

1. Run my FTP Server

2. Login to the management page of the router.

Input login username, password: admin, admin (default), to login, then click Advanced.

4. Click Application, then fill the FTP Server’s port 21, and its LAN IP, tick Enable, then click Save.




5.Reboot the router to active the settings.

6. Visit my FTP Server on the internet by typing (WAN IP of my router) in the address bar of the browser.


Tips: If your Internet Connection Type is PPPoE or DHCP, your WAN IP will change time to time, you’d better do DDNS settings to get a domain name for your WAN IP.


How to do DDNS settings on my router?



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